
RaspberryPi is the core technology used for data gathering through connected sensors. It communicates with the web application in order to send the data and make it available for viewing.

RaspberryPi Logo
  • We are able to dinamically load in a map the different locations of our different devices. This allows us to have an easy place to find each one of them and see the different statuses based on pin colors, which show the status of it. (OK, Warning, Alert). Each pin will take you to a detailed view of the device readings

    Mowpi Interface
  • In this section we are able to create all the information we may need to run our web application. We can add users, locations, devices, unit measures, sensors, etc. We can also set the warning and alert levels through the Formulas window, and set them for a our various sensors

    Mowpi Interface
  • We're able to handle profiles to allow permissions for different levels. You can edit your contact information to receive notifications and we even have a nice profile pic for you!

    Mowpi Interface

We were even on TV!

A few days before giving our thesis presentation, we had the chance to do a small video in our university to showcase our project in its initial version. (Video in spanish)
